Late spring is a crucial time to prepare for sales, as the changing weather and longer daylight hours can impact operations. This list provides practical steps for addressing seasonal challenges and ensuring a smooth experience for both sellers and buyers.

Update Outdoor Signage: Make sure your signs can withstand late spring weather and are visible enough to attract attention – waterproof and fade proof!

Check Climate Controls: Ensure that fans or air conditioning systems are ready to keep indoor sale areas comfortable as temperatures start to rise.

Arrange for Pest Control: With an increase in bugs during late spring, it's important to have your sale area treated by a pest control service. Setting out candles or other bug deterrents can make in-person sale attendance more comfortable for shoppers, and your crew working onsite!

Install Hydration Stations: Set up water stations to keep both shoppers and staff hydrated throughout the sale.

Prepare for Weather Changes: Have plans in place to protect your items and setup from sudden spring rains or winds. Tarps, umbrellas, ponchos can come in super handy.

Extend Sale Hours: Consider using the extra daylight to extend your sale into the early evening, attracting more buyers.

Highlight Seasonal Items: Feature items like gardening tools and outdoor furniture that are in higher demand during late spring.

Train Staff on Weather Safety: Make sure your team is prepared to handle sudden changes in weather, from heat to cool spells. Brief them on the most important items to secure and protect.

Improve Shopping Comfort: Offer shaded areas or cool indoor spots where shoppers can take breaks from the heat and parents can attend to their children.

Ultimately, it’s the little details about the shopping experience that people remember. Put your best foot forward by putting yourself in the mind of the buyers and going above and beyond to make a warm and inviting experience at your event.