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Last Day Blowout!! Sherman Oaks Tons of Books, Womens Clothes, Decorations and Furniture!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
May 10
9am to 2pm
May 11
9am to 1:30pm
May 12
9am to 1pm

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 Terms & Conditions
This is a private home and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime, please be respectful of both property, staff and/or other shoppers at all times. Please be mindful of the neighbors and not block their driveways. There is plenty of parking on the street and there will be no worries for street sweeping.
 Description & Details

** update** It’s all got to go tomorrow, we’re going to be working deals and getting things flying through the door! Tons of books, clothes and home decorations still up for grabs! Beautiful Home near the Skirball and Getty. This place is filled with lots and lots of books from a lot of different genres. If you're into art books, you'll probably enjoy this one. Here's a list of some of the items you'll find here. Books!, Electronics, TONS of Christmas Decorations, Womens Clothes, Furniture, Kitchenware, Glassware, Decorative Home Pieces, Collectible Figurines, Some Tools, Bruno Start Lift x 2, Heritage...

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