Annual New Years Day Auction

auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in High Ridge, MO 63049 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jan 1
12pm to 4:30pm


Your Hard earned cash, credit card, or check (with proper ID). Not responsible for Accidents.
To purchase a firearm, you must follow all laws of said state. Such laws (in Missouri) are as followed:
1. Must be a least 21 yrs. of age
2. Must have a photo ID (a copy will be made)
3. Must not have any felons on record.
4. Can not be intoxicated at time of purchase or pickup.

This is our annual New Years Day Auction. We will have lunch starting at noon and the auction to follow. We encourage everybody to bring a dish, but, not required. This is going to be a fantastic auction filled with great merchandise like : Guns, fantastic furniture, silver, coins, cars, Baccarat crystal, Waterford, and a whole lot more.

BernhartBernhartBernhartThomasvilleThomas KinkadeThomas KinkadeThomas KinkadeSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureSmith-MillerSmith-MillerBuddy LHubleyDinkyWhiting & DavisDiamond Tennis Bracelet 10KtCarson City-1890Coca-Cola NeonThomasville ChinaSectionalAK-47Ruger 10/22AK-47 22S & W 500S & W 44 MagFiberglass OstrichSale PictureDinkyTin ToyBudweiser JartsM-1 Carbine 30 CalSale PictureIvanhoe Hotel GlassesStan MusialLemp GlassCivil War BulletsWaterford LampsCivil War Pic. on ClothWaterfordG.B. Tablecloth36 ShotSale PictureSale PictureSale PictureAmerican Eagle Cap gun1945 Michigan ProgramHitler Youth Armband

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