Waxahachie Auction Company

Waxahachie, TX 75165
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Estate, Bankruptcy, Liquidation, Storage, we do it all. Regular Auctions are suspended at this time due to Covid. Online Auctions monthly.

We take consignment items. Call 972-693-0572 to set up an appointment to consign your items.

We’re committed to providing you with top notch auction services. We are regulated and bonded by the State of Texas. Why take a chance? Let us liquidate your excess inventory or settle your Estate.

A Licensed and Bonded Auctioneer in Texas with many years of experience. Get the most value for your items. Don't Garage Sell them, Auction Them!

This sale description was copied from EstateSales.NET on 5/5/2024 (192-0-10:08:34 AM). Please check there for accurate up-to-date information (227-18).




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