Antique Toolbox Plus so much more Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale 28 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Athens, AL 35611 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, October 30th, 2024.
Oct 31
11am to 3pm
Nov 1
9am to 2pm
Nov 2
9am to 2pm

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To see the progression of staging the home please our Ticktock page. Cobblestone Estate Sales @quintanawilliamson THIS ALSO GIVES YOU INSIGHT ON WHERE CERTAIN ITEMS ARE IN THE HOME

Please check back for status of numbers

All boxes/bags will be checked at the exit to keep the shoplifting under control.

All large and heavy items will have a large beige tag. To purchase the item, remove bottom portion of the tag and take to checkout. After item has been paid for a "Sold" sticker will be put on the top portion of the tag that is still on the item. This keeps the confusion down on whether the item is available or not.
Any and all shelving that will be available for purchase cannot be picked up until Saturday after 10 AM.

We will be doing pre-sales on LARGE OR UNIQUE ITEMS ONLY

We apologize in advance for not being able to provide prices before the sale.

We take Cash/Venmo/Paypal/Visa/MC No Checks
All purchases will be checked for payment at the exit

We ask that you DO NOT move large items without letting an associate know. We have the responsibility of making sure that home does not get damaged.

All items must be picked up by close of business that Saturday at 2pm

Large items and shelving CAN NOT be removed within the first hour of each day of the sale.

We are not responsible for accidents and reserve the right to refuse a sale. Please bring enough help in loading heavy items. As long as an item has been paid for, we will work with you to make arrangements to return to load it. Please respect other customers and under no circumstances are you to take items off of the hold table (unless it has been there for more than 30 minutes on hold and not paid for, so see a member of our staff to help with this.) All sales are final. "As is". No returns. No refunds. No exchanges. Large items must be picked up by the end of the sale. Speak to someone on our staff to let them know your pick-up plan. All items that are purchased but not picked-up by the end of the sale will go back into the estate with no refund.

We ask that you PLEASE Respect this entire property. Do not go anywhere on the property that is marked by orange temp fencing, signs and/or caution tape.
 Description & Details

Please keep checking back for more items to be listed.



Antique tools

Hand tools

Yard tools

Dining room table

Washer/Dryer set


Antique Chruch Pew 


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