Law Office Closing - Furniture, Decor, Wall Art & Office Furnishings

business closing1 day sale 22 days away
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Birmingham, AL 35203 will be available after 8:00am on Friday, October 25th, 2024.
Oct 26
9am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Person(s) claiming items are 100% responsible for muscle to move and load !
If you have a question about this sale you can text (DO NOT CALL) 205-567-5211. Cash, credit cards (paid ahead of pick up) or Venmo (before pick up to hold the item). No checks without prior approval. No holds without payment in full. No exceptions.
 Description & Details

Pre-Sale by appointment only on Saturdays between 9-2. Cash, Venmo or Credit Cards are acceptable forms of payment. Buyers are 100% responsible for the muscle to move and load their purchase(s). Elevator available. We will not open early or stay late. 

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