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House is for sale! Everything must go! Take a closer look!

moving sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Boaz, AL 35957 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Apr 23
7:30am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

This is a one day moving sale! Everything must go. Take a closer look. This home as a lovely ornate king size bed, mid century dresser and chest, French Provencial sofa and chair, trunks, side tables, like new lift chair, exquisite mirrors, pictures and wood frames, Bavarian Blue China, miscellaneous glasses and kitchen ware, solid wood bar stools, lamps, glass table, grill, sofa, chair, wooden fire place, washer and dryer, oil lamps, air compressor, car ramps, miscellaneous tools, an air compressor, garden cart, yard tools and more. Please keep watching for the lovely things this home has to offer.

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