Estate Sale of Ms. Willie J. Bishop
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Parking on one side of street, please ...... we love the police but we do not want them coming.
This North Gadsden home is full of nice clothing, Vera Bradley bags, costume jewelry, Knick knacks, kitchen items, new washer, dryer, fridge, gas stove, nice burgundy recliner, brown recliner, dining table/China cabinets, roosters galore, end tables, curios, vanity, queen bedroom suite, chests, dressers, linens, wrought iron fundnięte,, riding mower, fishing rods, tea pots, antique chifferobe, lane cedar, Xmas decor, quilts, luggage, chest, bell collection, yard/hand tools, lamps, great artwork by Lee Robertson, Beanie Babies, porcelain ladies, elephants, rugs, porch rockers, bird houses, antique rockers and much more! Great sale for all!
Southern Classic Estates, LLC
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