Another Great Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale last day of sale
Oct 4
8am to 3pm
Oct 5
8am to 3pm
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TOOLS GALORE, Metal Storage Building, Inflatable Spa ...just so much
We will accept cash, check, and Venmo
We encourage you bringing boxes and packing materials.
Items should be removed by Saturday PM unless other arrangements have been made.
We are unable to load for you, You will need help.
 Description & Details

Large older home in Greenville, furniture includes: a fabulous mid century coffee table (!), several chairs, sofa, desks, lots of kitchen......really so much it is hard to list it all. The house is very easy to find and parking will be on the street ...... we will have signs out. We always run out of boxes, so bring you some and lets do some bundling. We will have 2 check outs. There are many large and small items in the back yard under a small car port. New in bag, hammock S'More Gas camper fire 10 by 16 like new...

Another Great Estate Sale

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