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Holly Park Blvd Southwest Hsv

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Huntsville, AL 35824 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
9am to 2pm
Oct 4
9am to 2pm
Oct 5
8:30am to 12:30pm

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 Description & Details

This home is over flowing with beautiful items! Over 100 Longaberger baskets, Candlewick, Pyrex, Columbia Family Scale, Hocking Vaseline Glass, Waterford, Royal Albert, Carnival Glass, Imperial Glass, Hazel Atlas Cobalt Blue, Chevron Depression Glass, Madrid Amber Depression Glass, Blue Caprice Cambridge Keyhole, Royal Dalton, Libbey Forever Amber, Tupperware, Mirro Cookie Pastry Set, Pampered Chef, Food Saver, LeCreuset, Baby Cakes, Black & Decker, Kitchen Aid Osterizer, Rival, Crock Pot, Wedgwood, Lenox, Mikasa, Wilton, Johnson Brothers, Tumbprint Glass, Milk Glass, Aynsley, Heisey Glasss, Imperial Glass, Fenton, Portieux Vallerysthat, Mettlach Pottery, Cutco, Vintage Christmas ornaments, Antique furniture, tons of Christmas items, Christmas trees,...

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