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Beautiful 5000 sq ft home Massive amount still for sale!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Marion, AR 72364 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 3
10am to 4pm
Feb 4
10am to 4pm
Feb 5
10am to 4pm

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All sales final - no large checks unless I know you. Enter at your own risk and not responsible for accidents. Please watch your step in home & garages. This home has 2 barns and a basement and upstairs. You will be entering the basement from outside - inside steps are too steep. Please ask for help if needed.
Tickets will be checked at the door - please keep your yellow copy out after paying.
Security on duty
 Description & Details

Numbers will be given out at the front door at 8:30. Barns out back open at 9:00. Please park only on only the right side of the street - Park is just a few hundred feet over - lots of parking spots available. Please be back at the door at least 10 minutes to get your place to enter sale at 10:00. Please text me its easier to respond. Please refresh to see current pictures - thanks ESTATE OF THE LATE MR. & MRS. ADOLPH PIRANI MASSIVE HOME FULL OF BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES LARGE TWO STORY HOME WITH BASEMENT...

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