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Toys, Coins, Antiques Toy Cars Hot Wheels

online only auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Location Fullerton, CA 92831

Sale Starts

Sep 29

Sale Ends

Sep 29
1868 James Beebe Sterling and Antler Fish Set-Original Box English

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 Description & Details

WELCOME FRIENDS AND TOY ENTHUSIASTS! We have a FULL auction, 550 lots, with a great deal of pop culture Toys for your bidding pleasure. This auction is filled with die-cast cars from Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning, M2 Muscle Machines, Matchbox, Racing Champions and more. All can be found beginning at Lot 217 with some cool rarities. You will also find awesome Star Wars toys starting at Lot 134, some fun McFarlane toys starting at Lot 422. So many toys to add to your collection, find them all from Lot 134 on down! Other great pieces in this auction include a...

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