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Antique Furniture and Collectibles online auction on ends 12/4 6:00PM PST

online only auction14 day sale sale is over
  • Location Hemet, CA 92544

Sale Starts

Nov 21

Sale Ends

Dec 4

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1. Placing a bid is an agreement to purchase. If you win, you must pick up your item(s) or make ship...
 Description & Details

Caring Transitions of Carlsbad & La Jolla presents the Antique Furniture and Collectibles online auction on ending WEDNESDAY December 4 at 6:00pm PST. Pickup date for this auction is Saturday December 7, 9am to 11am in Hemet CA and must be made by appointment. Winning bidders will be given full pickup instructions after the auction closes. There will be an on-site sale on pickup day so bring your cash or card! This sale includes Vintage and antique cabinets, tables, chairs and more, ELNA sewing machine, Chicago Cottage pump organ, US and UN stamps, Cantilever patio umbrella, Vintage Hjellegjerde Mobler...

Caring Transitions of Carlsbad & La Jolla

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