Sullivan's Antiques and Estate Sales

estate sale3 day sale starts today
  • Address The address for this sale in Lodi, CA 95240 will be available after 5:00am on Friday, October 4th, 2024. The approximate location is: Ham Rd.
Oct 4
9am to 2pm
Oct 5
9am to 2pm
Oct 6
9am to 2pm

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Please respect our client's home and product. Do not bring children to the sale . Some sales are ...
 Description & Details

Costume Jewelry and lots of it! Gun Safe, Safe, Mider Saw, 4" Limb CHAIN saw, 10" Robi table saw, gas tble top BBQ, Weber BBQ, Creative Wreaths, Jewlery case, Vintage hats, coffee table with storage, small refrigerator, cement bench, lanterns, sleigh, electric sweepers, candles, ribbons and bows, fans, Many wood and Metal signs, Road cones, SF Corn Hold, Garbage cans, Yard Umbrellas, canning jars, Ping Pong table, Holiday Decor, Many Outdoor games, outdoor table and chairs, outdoor bar and bar stools, outdoor chairs, outdoor planting box, truck stepping bars, one large electric fireplace, one medium electric fireplace, Some antique and...

Sullivan Antiques And Estate Sales

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