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50% OFF SATURDAY!!! North Hollywood- Classy Furniture, Major Appliances, Artwork

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in North Hollywood, CA 91605 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
May 6
8am to 3pm
May 7
9am to 2pm

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big deals Saturday! No fair deal will be turned down! I have a nice NoHo sale Friday & Saturday loaded with classy furniture, washer/dryer, nice refrigerator, tea cups and glassware, potted plants and garden, houseware and various nicknacks, lots of kitchen items, espresso cups, coffee China, vintage alcohol/wine/champagne bottles, rugs (Armenian, machine, Persian) vintage corning-ware, some Xmas, Singer sewing machine & desk, lamps, some clothing, costume jewelry . ALL FIXTURES INCLUDING CHANDELIERS, MIRRORS, DRAPES ETC. ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FOR SALE. I also have a dozen or so pieces of art for sale. See you Friday!

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