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Deepwell-Sunday no good offer refused!!!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Palm Springs, CA 92264 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 27
9am to 2pm
Sep 28
9am to 2pm
Sep 29
9am to 1pm
Beautiful Deepwell home. It's on the market, too!

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PLEASE NOTE: this sale is cash or Zelle only. No credit cards or checks. Plan accordingly.

 Description & Details

SUNDAY—9:00-12:00 we need to clear this house! So much left! No reasonable offer refused. ——— What a great home! The owner has downsized and because she lived here for over 30 years, every cupboard and closet is PACKED. She took meticulous care of her possessions--all furniture, decorative pieces, books, art, and clothes are in pristine condition. WOMENS CLOTHES There are EIGHT CLOSETS full of women's clothes and accessories. Sizes run about 8 or Medium (shoe size also about an 8-8.5). From suede jackets and pantsuits to casual wear and formal, our gal was always extremely well-dressed and put together. There...

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