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East Sacramento Estate Sale!

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Sacramento, CA 95816 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 1
9am to 5pm
Vintage Organ - works!

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Cash and Venmo purchasing only. We are not responsible for any injuries or accidents that may occur ...
 Description & Details

Our Estate Sale will run for a second time. More cupboards have been cleaned out, more treasures have been found and added to this diggers delight! Mid century modern madness with incredible original and signed art, around the world curios, deco glass wear, china, dolls, vintage books, antique medical equipment including antique microscopes, vintage stationery, vintage fabrics and clothes, authentic wood carvings, ping pong table, Drum set and much much more! Give the gift of East Sacramento history and upcycle for your Holiday gifts. Good deals and low prices - all reasonable offers will be excepted. Doors open at 9...

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