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Sage Estate Sale Acreage Property

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Sage, CA 92544 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 3
8am to 1pm
Oct 4
8am to 1pm
Oct 5
8am to 1pm

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 Description & Details

Beautiful custom home on acreage property. Awesome vintage wrought iron Woodard Patio Furniture. Barn & Shed for sale. Sports Tshirts, jackets & vintage mens clothes. Washer / Dryer & Fridge. Vintage Dentist Cabinet.. Electric Reclining Leather couch & recliner with heat & message. Full kitchen with collectibles too. Vintage pyrex. Vintage glassware LE Smith some moon & stars & silver plate tea sets. Vintage cup & saucers. Crystal & stemware. Tempurpedic queen bed. Vintage sports t-shirts. Costume jewelry. Floor gun safe. Dept 56 Christmas houses, trees & people. Large fish tank. Reptile enclosure. Books, new & old. Games. Linens. Office...

Crystal Cove Estate Sales & Liquidation

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