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Large Vintage Estate Sale massive treasure hunt sale!!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Stockton, CA 95203 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 14
8am to 3pm
Nov 15
8am to 1pm

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Cash only all must go many vintage items
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Massive Treasure Hunting Estate Sale located in Stockton California this Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th all must be sold!! Tons of vintage items waiting to be discovered!! Same location for 64 years!!. Boxes of vintage Christmas items, many vintage hunting and fishing items, cast iron, vintage tools, vintage clothing, vintage collectibles, mid century items, so much more not listed!! Please bring cash, gloves, flashlights, and your trucks, and pack a lunch!!! Cash Only!! Please show up early Thursday Morning will open up earlier once we arrive on site, no list, no waiting in line, first come first serve...

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