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Up to 50% OFF Upland- Men’s Clothing, Art, LeRoy Neiman

moving sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Upland, CA 91786 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 20
9am to 3pm
Aug 21
10am to 1pm

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Up to 50% off on what’s left. I’m adding some cool art from my storage. 10-2 Sunday or until I sell out!! Parking is extremely limited inside complex. Fire lanes outside residence so please only double park for a short period of time (10min) to load items purchased. There are a few parking spaces on the 2 main roads leading into the townhome community. Additional parking can be located on W 15th St with a short 5 minute walk to the residence. I’m in Upland this weekend with a solid sale full of great items! Abduction of Europa by Herman...

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