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Downsizing Sale South Yuba City

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Yuba City, CA 95993 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 2
8am to 2pm
Fire king Grease jar and salt and pepper shakers

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* Safety and service is our top priority. Please do not block any roads, driveways, or sidewalks whi...
 Description & Details

Last minute downsizing sale in south yuba city. Please make sure to not block any sidewalks or driveways. Due to the sale being last minute photos and descriptions will be updated throughout the week. Make sure to check back Friday as everything should be posted by then. This sale contains some beautiful furniture that is in fabulous condition. The List ~ Vintage Fire King Grease Jar Pyrex Kitchen Items Glass top kitchen table & Chairs Records Vintage Ceramic Christmas Trees some outdoor pots, statues, and furniture King Size Adjustable Bed with Mid Century Headboard Nightstands Beautiful Century Furniture that is...

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