Part 1: Filled to the Rafters-Crafts, Tiffany lamps, Clothes, Vintage, Furniture, Antiques, Ceramics

online estate sale8 day sale 2 days remaining
  • Location Aurora, CO 80014

Sale Starts

Sep 30

Sale Ends

Oct 7

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 Terms & Conditions
Follow the link to view auction and bid; this is an online auction with an in-person pick-up day on Wednesday, October 9th. There is no shipping for this auction.
 Description & Details

When we say "packed to the rafters", we are not exaggerating. Multiple hobbies and collections represented, including: * Tiffany lamps and other stained glass table, floor, and ceiling mount lamps * Vintage and antique furniture: tiger oak, lamps, cabinets, side tables, deacon bench, art deco, Mid-century * Crafts: scrapbooking, jewelry-making, sewing, quilting *Needle arts: crewel, needlepoint, cross stitch, embroidery * Beads to last a lifetime * Clothes and shoes that will rival a department store * Ceramics & pottery * Crystal, vaseline (uranium) glass, Depression, Carnival glass * Waechtersbach dinnerware * Art: LE prints, original works * Ceramics & pottery...

Heritage Estate Sales And Liquidation, LLC

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