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Vintage Vinyl, Original Oil paintings from the 1800's, Football Cards, Vintage Postcards

online only auction8 day sale sale is over
  • Location Colorado Springs, CO 80938

Sale Starts

Nov 7

Sale Ends

Nov 14
Original Oil Painting by M. Vannetti from the 1800's

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 Description & Details

Two original oil paintings from the 1800s signed by M. Vanetti, Antique furniture, Vintage vinyl, Football cards, Singer sewing machine and workshop, Hawthorne Village/Thomas Kinkade collectibles, Camping gear, Christmas decorations, Household goods, Vintage books, Model train set, Leather jackets and Motorcycle gear, Vintage Royal typewriter, Lanikai Ukulele, Snowshoes and trekking poles, Boston Red Sox memorabilia, Vintage postcards, Jewelry and collectible coins

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