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Black Friday Sale #2 near Frederick

online only auction7 day sale sale is over
  • Location Frederick, CO 80530

Sale Starts

Nov 29

Sale Ends

Dec 5

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 Terms & Conditions
This sale is being held by Caring Transitions of Northeast Denver. Please plan on packing and loading your own purchases as we do not have enough team members to load for every buyer. All sales are final. We accept Cash, CC, Debit Cards, Venmo, Cash App, Apple Pay, (just about everything except a check). All sales are final, no refunds, no exchanges but buyers can test items before leaving and any problems can be dealt with then.
 Description & Details

This is a smaller sale but I have some unique and interesting items great for a Black Friday sale.  Some sports collectibles specifically broncos beanie babies.  Vintage Schwinn bike.  Sterling silver.  Also features kids power wheel four-wheeler.  And much much more.  Gold plated the commemorative stamps.  Silk scarves.  New in the box model tractors. Brass handle umbrella. 

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