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River Landings Estate Sale - Bradenton

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Bradenton, FL 34203 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 2
9:30am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

Very cool, eclectic estate sale! Rectangular Glass Dining Table w/Marble Base, 6 Upholstered Chairs Light Washed China Cabinet Beautiful 7 ft., 8-Panel Painted Screen Red Lacquer/Gold Painted Chinese Cabinet Ornate Gilt Mirror Wrought Iron Cocktail Table Original Art Mid Century Modern Sofa Sectional Leather Vibrating Chair Chippendale Style Coffee Table Light Wood Buffet Gorgeous Oversize Faux Carved Wood Mirror Modern Painted Bedroom Set w/Upholstered King Headboard Stanley Washed Oak King Bedroom Set Iron Lattice Kitchenette Tons of Cookware and Kitchen Items! Patio Furniture Stereo Components, Computer, Art Books, Cook Books Folding Drafting/Drawing Table and... 2010 Toyot Matrix - Low Miles!!...

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