MCM furniture, art, house, cottage & workshop

estate sale3 day sale 4 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Chiefland, FL 32626 will be available after 9:00am on Wednesday, November 6th, 2024.
Nov 7
8am to 2pm
Nov 8
8am to 2pm
Nov 9
8am to 12pm
DIXIE mahogany bow front dresser with mirror.

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Sales tax of 7% on all taxable purchases unless Florida reseller’s certificate presented.
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 Description & Details

Gorgeous property with a house, cottage, workshop and pole barn on 6 acres (property is for sale). Some very clean pieces of mid-century modern furniture, Formica top dining table & chairs, beds, books, crafting & sewing including vintage equipment and a quilting stitcher machine. Dishes; pots & pans, health & beauty, costume jewelry, watches, glassware, collectibles, typewriters, vacuum cleaners, love seat sleeper, corner cabinets, bistros… oringal oils paintings, Utagawa Hiroshige woodblock prints, and much, much, more..

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