Incredible Fine Art, Sculptures, Furniture & a Porsche!!!

estate sale2 day sale 4 days away
Nationally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Key West, FL 33040 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, September 12th, 2024.
Sep 13
9am to 12pm
Sep 14
9am to 12pm
"Dual Nature" Sculpture by Cecilia Lueza

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Susie's gladly accepts cash, checks and credit cards for purchases(must spend $50 minimum with credit cards). Please bring help for loading large items and furniture. We are not responsible for accidents.
 Description & Details

Wow~We are VERY excited about this FABULOUS SALE! The artwork in & on this property is unbelievable! As you enter the property you are surrounded by incredible outdoor sculptures - some are life-size and each one has it's own unique appeal! Inside the home & cottage we also have more sculpture plus there's quite the collection of original artwork - most were bought in NY while others were beautifully painted locally by the owner. Along with the amazing art we have some lovely furniture, kitchen full of general household & cooking needs, books, linens, orchids & outdoor for it....A...

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