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estate sale3 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Miami, FL 33162 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 17
10am to 2pm
Aug 18
9am to 3pm
Aug 19
10am to 3pm

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All sales final, where is, as is. CASH ONLY! You break, you buy! Estate Sales of South Florida is no...
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AN AMAZING LIFETIME COLLECTION OF AN ARTIST, PERFORMER AND OUT OF CONTROL COLLECTOR This sale is one you will not forget! A must attend sale, there is something here for almost every taste. In addition to the items pictured, there are many boxes yet to be unpacked, a trailer full of tons of stuff yet to be seen, and a warehouse filled with everything from unidentifiable machinery, engines, furniture and lots of cool antiques and collectibles. The warehouse may be another sales event altogether, however we will bring the best smalls we can locate there to sell at this event....

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