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Christmas Cottage

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Satellite Beach, FL 32937 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
9am to 2pm
Oct 5
9am to 2pm
Collectible Stanta - discontinued model

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 Terms & Conditions
It is very important that no one parks on the grass, blocks driveways. Also, park only on one side of the road so that garbage and emergency vehicles can get through. Thank You. Cash or check. We do not pre-sell. Once pictures are on the site the items will be at the sale.
 Description & Details

Christmas Hummel figurines

Kincaid Houses

Dept. 56 Dicken's Village houses

Lots of Halloween and Fall decorations

Oneida stainless steel flatware

Germany cuckoo clock - with movement

Antique wall clock

Fish bowl planters

Wicker outdoor furniture

Cement pedestals and planters

Antique wooden bench

Antique framed mirror floor standing

Wall unit

Dining room set - table/8 chairs/china cabinet

Misc. small kitchen appliances

Misc. tools

Christmas metal yard work

Christmas tree lights, etc.





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