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Lakeshore’s Saturday Night Auction West Palm Beach

auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in West Palm Beach, FL 33405 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5

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Cash!! No Checks! Credit card purchases will include a 4% processing fee.
Buyer premium: 20%
 Description & Details

Welcome back everyone, We hope you are enjoying your week. We are now preparing for our next sale. We will be setting up as late as Friday evening, so please check the ad often. Preview is Saturday at 5PM. Additionally: If you have items that you no longer want to store, can’t decide whether to sell, toss or donate, we can help. For a quick and easy start to a simple process, email us your photos at or text them to 561-267-3765. Please call ahead. We are unable to take drop off without having a brief discussion to determine...

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