Hi, Its Terri in Yalaha!!!

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
  • Directions
    Right off of Hwy 48 Sooo many more pics to come This is definitely the Christmas item sale, the birthday item sale, brand new make up, brand, new animal, toys, brand, new Halloween costumes, great cho... 
Oct 3
9am to 3pm
Oct 4
9am to 3pm
Oct 5
9am to 3pm
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Although we accept major credit cards cash is the best no fees involved !!
!!! Fees too high!
YOU MUST BRING OWN MUSCLE !!!!…Thank you. I cannot stress enough to bring people to help move furniture!!
THANK YOU. Thank you for being great customers!!
Please remember to keep your distance in home loop.
 Description & Details

There are so much stuff in this house. I can't even name it. This is where to buy your Christmas gifts  in this home all brand new items children's toys, gifts for everyone all brand new never unwrapped never been open

more pics  to come!!!

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