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Acworth Fun Packed Estate Sale Up 75%off

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Acworth, GA 30101 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
10am to 5pm
Nov 2
10am to 5pm
Nov 3
10am to 5pm
Nov 4

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Cash and Zelle excepted...
 Description & Details

Monday 75% off most items. $10 to fill up a Publix's bag with floral items, fabric, paper dolls, Doll clothing. We are hiding a pink sticker on one item in sale. The first person to locate the pink sticker and advise Jill, will receive a free item to choose from in the sale worth $20 by 1:00 PM on Monday.. 75% off all other glassware items. Women’s clothes are $2.00 each item. Books only $1.50 each, Small stampin up $1.00 each. Large stamping’ up $2.00 20" Santa's 50% off. all furniture 50 % off. Desk, Couch and coffee table with...

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