50% OFF SUNDAY; MCM Galore/Hindu Artwork/Wedding Attire

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Locally Featured
Oct 5
10am to 4pm
Oct 6
10am to 4pm
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50% OFF MOST ITEMS SUNDAY..!!-I’m downsizing, NOT moving. Cash, Debit & Credit Cards & Venmo accepted. Please bring help to move furniture. Not responsible for any accidents.
 Description & Details

Collector of MCM: •1960 “S”shaped MCM pull-out sofa •MCM Set of Russel Wright Ice Blue Iroquois dishes •MCM Chrome Satellite Ceiling Light •MCM Table Lamps, Japanese, TV Lamps •Full Collection Eve Sham China w/Glasses •Multiple 1970’s Men’s Suits never worn •Multiple 1970’s Bridesmaids Dressed never worn •Multiple 1970’s Wedding Dressed never worn •MCM Round Stereo Speakers •Serra Full Size Adjustable Bed (with bedding) •MCM Redwing Dishes •MCM Paintings •Royal Blue Down Sofa (Barely Used) •Royal Blue Matching Barrel Chair •Many Hindu Statues, Paintings Wall Hangings •Several Monitors, Other Computer Items •Lots of other MCM Dishes..!! •Hindu and Turkish Artwork •Automatic...

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