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TREASURES in Ravenswood Manor - A Legacy Sale!

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Chicago, IL 60625 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 7
10am to 4pm
Dec 8
10am to 4pm
BW skyline

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ALL SALES FINAL: All items are sold as-is. We ask that you look over your purchase thoroughly as we ...
 Description & Details

A Legacy Estate Sale in Ravenswood Manor! Packed with treasures from multigenerations. MANY more items not photographed. Must see! You'll find: Vintage Toys - Vintage Star Wars Roller Skates, Fisher Price Barn and Schoolhouse MCM Furniture Bicycles - Vintage Schwinn Stingray, Vintage Schwinn Cruiser, Trek Toys/Games Nerf Guns Stationary Office Supplies Christmas Decor - Whimsical Tree Skirts Franklin Mint Collector Dolls - Scarlett O'Hara, Prince Charles, Shirley Temple Madame Alexander Dolls Steiff Teddy Bears Kitchenware Glassware Johnson Bros. Dinnerware Red Viking Glassware Movie Memorabilia - Batman, Star Trek Foosball Table Kids Clothing - Keen Shoes, Patagonia, North Face Vintage Hats...

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