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90% off Sunday!! This is the final day of movie madness and much much more

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Genoa, IL 60135 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 14
9am to 4pm
Nov 15
9am to 4pm
Nov 16
9am to 4pm
Nov 17
9am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
This is a 4-day sale (Thursday - Sunday)

Cash only

Bring help to load large items

Not responsible for accidents

Please do not block driveway

Please leave large bags in your car
 Description & Details

Because this is a private sale, estate limited us to only 50 pictures but we have much more then what's pictured. We've also added a few things since last week, such as: Concrete bird bath, Bird houses and yard decorations, Full propane tank, Large outdoor Buddha statue, 48 gallon fish tank with everything you need (fish not included), Pine trunk/bench seat, Comic books, OS Garbage Pail Kids, Extension cords, And these items are still available as well: Antique telephone, 30 piece Antique China set, Antique telegraph insulators, Antique first aid kit, Harmony Kingdom box figurines, Old life magazines, Tools,...

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