A Coy-Krupp Sale

moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale 4 days away
Dec 14
10am to 3pm
Dec 15
11am to 2pm
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 Description & Details

A Coy-Krupp Sale www.coykrupp.com 1444 Old Skokie Valley Road * Highland Park Saturday December 14 * 10:00 to 3:00 * numbers at 9:30 Sunday December 15 * 11:00 to 2:00 Property to be sold includes the following: Large collection of English and German majolica including jardinieres, plates, tea sets, candlesticks and game dishes; Collection of 19th century exotic wood boxes, tea caddies and lap desks; Set of four very handsome Italian painted dining chairs by Dennis & Leen; Large amount of costume jewelry; Victorian maple secretary bookcase with arched glazed doors under fan carved crests centering a carved stags head;...

Coy-Krupp Conducted Sales, Inc.

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