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Vintage Vinyl Collection, High End Audio (Speakers) & Cameras (Treadway)

online only auction7 day sale sale is over
  • Location Northbrook, IL 60062

Sale Starts

Sep 12

Sale Ends

Sep 18

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 Description & Details

Caring Transitions of Northern Illinois warmly welcomes you to our Northbrook, IL Online Auction on CTBids! This sale features Vintage Vinyl Collection, High End Audio (Speakers) & Cameras! This is a great collection of Vintage Vinyl Records; including music from The Beatles, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Rush & many more! There are also a few Original Master Recordings. This sale will also feature some high end audio speakers (B&W, M&K & A/D/S) and a few cameras (Leica & Canon). You never know what you're going to find! **ALL bidding starts at $1.00 with reserves** We can always be found...

Caring Transitions of Northern Illinois

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