Rocktober Auction

auction house1 day sale 10 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Union, IL 60180 will be available after 8:00am on Saturday, October 19th, 2024.
Oct 20
10am to 11pm

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 Description & Details

Items added daily – check back to see what’s new! We’re calling it Rocktober, however we have over a century’s worth of musical instruments and phonographs and stereos – something for everyone. There are project guitars – both acoustic and electric and many highlights: A rare and other Epiphones, a 1963 Gretsch Double anniversary, a rare 1978 Fender Music Master Electric! If you’re into the vintage sound, we’ve got many amps – Fender, Gibson, Peavy and many more! There’s a ukulele, mandolin and other stringed instruments not to mention many interesting brass pieces. For the seasoned collector, or someone who...

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