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Round one, Only the Lionel trains and accessories

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Wauconda, IL 60084 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
10am to 4pm

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 Terms & Conditions
This portion of the estate sale is only for trains and train related items, the majority of which are Lionel. Adults only preferred, test track will be set up, but this is not a train show. Cash Only, Not Responsible for Accidents. All sales final.
Entry through the back of the house.
 Description & Details

Sale items include, but not limited to the below. All you need to start a fine display. Sets to be sold as sets. Priced to sell. Description Model # year color set y/n Steam Engine & tender 221 1946 grey y Steam Engine & tender 221 1947 black y Diesel Freight set 1585 W 1957 y Super Chief 8913 1995 y Transformer 1012 35W 1953 Transformer 1033 90w 1953 Transformer KW 190W 1952 Transformer 1034 75W 1954 Psychedelic Psubmarine 6-26709 1999 Lighted Passenger Station 132 1949-55 Switch Tower 445 1952-57 Switches / Crossings Bridges Track - 027 and standard 0...

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