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50% OFF - MCM Furn, Art, Abundance of crafts, Vintage & New Purses, Jewelry, Clothes +++

moved offsite to store2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Waukegan, IL 60085 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 8
9am to 4pm
Feb 9
9am to 3pm

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Please have help to pack and carry your items including tools and muscle to disassemble and transpor...
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***50% OFF EVERYTHING*** Mary's Estate Sales OFF-SITE SALE Mary's Estate Sales @ Sidecar Studios 405 Washington St Waukegan Estate sale has been pushed for another weekend due to the amount of items we are bringing to off-site location.. Tons of craft materials Paints, Canvas Fabric Brothers Embroider Machine Houseware items Furniture Dressers / Night Stand Dining Table with chairs Kitchen Table w/Chairs Clothing / Shoes Costume Jewelry Watches Art Lots of yarn and knitting needles Purses - Kate Spade, Coach, and more Air Fryer and TONS More Pictures and description will be updated daily PRE-SALE ON FURNITURE AVAILABLE Will be...

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