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Fill a bag for $12 select items

moved offsite to warehouse2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Zion, IL 60099 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
  • Directions
    Park behind home off alley and enter through front door. Door will be propped open & goods for sale will be inside. 
Oct 5
11am to 3pm
Oct 6
11am to 3pm
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 Terms & Conditions
Cash, Venmo and Zelle accepted. Bags will be provided for entry room room select items offered for $12/bag day one (Saturday) and only $6/bag day two (Sunday) all other items priced as marked with half off Sunday. Pricing includes listed discounts for multiple purchases.
 Description & Details

End of summer BIG sale at this private home on Sheridan used for estate liquidations and EBay sales. Entry room filled with items being offered as “fill a bag” and anything in that room too big to fit in a bag is priced between $1-$12. Entire sale is priced with discounts for multiple purchases day one and HALF price (including the multiple reductions) day two. Get ALL your x-mas shopping done in one place.Lots of clothing: Dresses - Coats - Pants - Jeans - Tops - Shoes - Scarves - Skirts - Sweaters & MORE JEWELRY including rings, bracelets, necklaces,...

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