Dec. 18th Victorian, Native American & Other Antiques

online only auction28 day sale 8 days remaining
  • Location Overland Park, KS 66221

Sale Starts

Nov 21

Sale Ends

Dec 18

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 Description & Details

Dec. 18th Victorian, Native American & Other Antiques 17519 S. Bond Ave. Overland Park, KS 66221 913-526-9519 Go to for links to this and our other auctions. More from the estate of Victorian Antiques, combined with consignors that brought Several Native American items, 1st edition and early Wizard of Oz books, Many Pocket watches, and other interesting items… auction includes; 1875 pair of Milk Glass Dogs, Victorian Hand Blown Vases and Baskets, Native American artist Bronze Sculpture, Papoose Cradle board, Beaded Leggings, Grooved weapon or tool heads, Portieux Vallerysthal Opaline Glass, Antique Inkwells, Antique Pocket Watches, Zig Zag confection...

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