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Antique & Vintage Halloween Christmas WOW!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Pratt, KS 67124 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
7:30am to 6pm
Dec 7
7:30am to 4pm
Dec 8
12pm to 2pm

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 Description & Details

An absolute GEM in rural Kansas hosted by Susie's Estate Sales! You're not going to want to miss this one! A full two bedroom, full basement and two garages full of vintage and antique treasures! We are pleased to offer our customers the opportunity to purchase from this lifelong collection. The former resident collected holiday items for decades and grew up in this same house. It is plumb full of goodies from three generations! Plenty of treasure for everyone! Vintage/Antique Halloween, Vintage/Antique Christmas (great stuff!), Rosbro Candy Containers, Halloween Blowmolds, Military Item,s, JEwelry, Midge/Barbie Dolls, An entire room filled with...

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