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Cape St. John Estate Sale

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Annapolis, MD 21401 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 7
9am to 2pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Removal of items from the house is the responsibility of the buyers and must be done by 2 PM on Satu...
 Description & Details

High-top kitchen table w/4 chairs Dining room table w/6 chairs Sideboard w/open bar top Barrister-style bookcases Bookcases Sofa Sleeper sofa Leather love seat Leather chair w/ottoman Coffee & side tables Hope chest Tray tables Desks Desk chair Filing cabinets Office supplies Printers Bookcases Shredder Safe Beds Dressers Lay-z-boy chairs Armoire Artwork Rugs Table and floor lamps Full kitchen Pyrex (some vintage) China Pot & pans Countertop appliances Precor Elliptical Books Nokomichi Receiver/cassette tape player Stereo equipment Speakers CD’s DVDs T.V.’s Cameras Baskets Luggage Linens Pillows Men’s clothing Men’s shoes Christmas lights Storage containers Kolbalt Stainless Steel Workbench Ladders Plastic storage...

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