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Caledonia moving sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Caledonia, MI 49316 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 1
9am to 4pm
Nov 2
9am to 2pm
Large 4 car model railroad. Measures 2” center to center of the rails on the track. I believe this is 'G' scale.

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There will be a clipboard available to start a list by 6am morning of the sale.

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 Description & Details

******Some of the items we have are:****** About 70 comic books (western and cartoon) mostly from the early 1950’s About 30 Jack and Jill children’s magazines from late 1940’s to early 1950’s About 10 Child Life children’s magazines from early 1950’s More children’s magazines published in the early 1950’s from Humpty Dumpty, Playmate, Children’s Digest and, of course, Mad Magazine (1960). Working train with 4 cars. Not sure of gauge ('G' scale I think) but the 2 tracks measure 2” center of rail to center of rail. Not a small train. A Completely rebuilt 1971 Massey Ferguson model 710 lawn...

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