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Sep 28

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Inspection day of sale starting at 8:30 AM only.
 Description & Details

DOUBLE AUCTION SALE Saturday, September 28, 10:00 AM 12401 S. Wacousta Rd, Eagle MI 48822 Directions: I96 to the Grand River exit #90, west on Grand River 1.8 miles to Wacousta Rd, north on Wacousta Rd 3 miles to the sale. The following will be sold at public auction: SALE #1 : CLASSIC TRACTOR/DOZER: (RUNNING) 1944 Farmall M s/n156443 1953 John Deere 40-C s/n60995 FARM EQUIPMENT: 2001 Cherokee Brave Overnighter 5th wheel 4 horse trailer (excellent cond) JD hay wagon JD 2 bottom trailer plow Buzz rig Oliver horse drawn cultivator JD 1 bottom trailer plow 3Pt 48” cultivator 2...

Mel White Auctioneer

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