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Oct 3
9am to 4pm

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Terms: Cash or good check w/ proper ID. Not responsible for accidents or loss of articles. Announcements made sale day take precedence over printed material. Everything sells as is where is. All items to be paid in full the day of sale.
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 Description & Details

PICKERS ESTATE SALE October 3rd One Day Only !! Thursday 9am - 4pm 15550 26th St. Gobles, MI 49055 Furniture - TV - China Cabinet - Leather Sofa - Coffee Table - White Clad End Tables Mission Chair & Foot Stool - Drafting Table Hunting Clothing - Wadders - Reloading Supplies - Fishing Rods & Reels - Framed & Historical Art Work & Memorabilia - Clocks - Speakers & Electronics - X-Box 360 & Games - Slot Machine - Pinball Machine Front - Slot Cars & Track - Dulcimer - Ukulele- Taxidermy Items - Indian Native American Pottery & Baskets...

Brown's Estate Services

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