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Another Bernard Davis Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Highland Park, MI 48203 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
10am to 5pm
Oct 5
10am to 5pm
Oct 6
12pm to 5pm

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 Description & Details

Another spectacular Estate Sale Historic Highland Park. We are back and we will be starting out with discount's You will find tremendous bargains and great treasures. vintage pottery, Pottery by McCoy, Roseville, Hull, Haeger, Weller, Art, deco potter, Books and more books, Records, vintage jewelry, Bookcases, Art, Art Deco dining table with chairs, Art Deco library table, Gardner art, Planters, Plant stands, Vintage plant stands, Accessory tables, Glassware, Vintage dishes, Lamps, Mahogany dresser with full-size bed frame, Mahogany, wardrobe closet, Mahogany close cabinet, figurines, Rooster and chicken collection, Women’s clothing and accessories, Women’s shoes, holiday, decorations, And Much, Much More…...

Bernard Davis Estate Sales

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