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Antique Collectors Estate Sale Part #1

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Kalamazoo, MI 49008 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 21
10am to 4pm
Nov 22
10am to 4pm
Nov 23
10am to 1pm

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 Terms & Conditions
Please bring help to load large items. We will not have anyone on hand to lift or move heavy items. We accept CASH or a personal check if you are known to us. Please plan accordingly.
There will be a sign-up sheet put out one hour before the sale. Customers will enter the home according to the order on the sign-up sheet.
 Description & Details

This outstanding estate sale antique collector's home is full! There is a large amount of Roseville, many S & P, depression glass, Hummels, numerous dolls, Steiff & Hermann brand teddy bears, child size chairs & rockers, jewelry, many antique prints, numerous antique smalls, Fenton, Candlewick, Flow Blue, Delft, holiday, books, some cookbooks, lamps, Longaberger, curio cabinets, barrister bookcases, office, china cabinet, kitchenware, wall decor, purses including Whiting & David, perfume bottle collection, toys, trains & planes, queen and full size beds, linens, ladies clothing, antique Singer sewing machine, Howard Miller wall clock, celluloid dresser sets, footstools, thimble collection, animal figurines,...

Christy's Estate and Moving Sales

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