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1/2 off Upscale home with MCM furniture, pottery, and Christmas

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Lansing, MI 48912 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 6
10am to 5pm
Dec 7
10am to 5pm
Dec 8
12pm to 2:30pm

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Cash, Venmo , PayPal and checks -from our regulars only, watch your step, use hand rail, not respon...
 Description & Details

Full home estate and garage estate sale. Half off of better on everything Sunday 12-2 only, come claim your treasure And these are available at the sale: We have 2 new gray striped sofas, and the brown down filled sofa still available and better than half off., Featured at the sale is. ..., Beautiful Drexel MCM Meridian dinning table and chairs, Matching MCM Drexel Meridian China cabinet, removable top., MCM side board mini bar, Drop front victorian desk, Room sized Oriental Rug, blue authentic Bukhara with paperwork, appraised professionally. Sold, Lladro figurines, Art pottery vases including, artisan pieces., 45 rpm...

Bull In The China Shop Estate Sale Service

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